Monaco Ducks
Innovative sneaker passion from Bavaria
Monaco Ducks – Innovative sneaker passion from Bavaria

»We believe we are the most sustainable sneaker company in the world.«

Hello Carl, Monaco Ducks was founded by you and Julian. How did it come about?
We don’t come from the fashion industry. We were attracted by the entrepreneurial challenge of innovating and making more sustainable an industry that is the second biggest polluter in the world today. We love fashion and good shoes and wanted to show with this product that you can build a company that makes cool products in the only way that is right for us.
What did the first steps look like and what particularly influenced you at the beginning?
We started completely bootstrapped. At the beginning, you learn to achieve a lot with little financial means. This philosophy still shapes us today.
How did you come up with the idea of using loden fabric?
Loden, which is local virgin sheep’s wool, was just the first of many sustainable fabrics for us. No animal has to suffer because of our need for wool, as each sheep is sheared naturally once a year. We have developed a method to make this fabric ideal for the difficult conditions of shoe production. Our wool is a natural high-tech material.

What is your design process like?
Julian takes care of the design. We have a small design team in Munich and coordinate closely with our partners in Italy and Portugal. A big part of the design is our special materials. Our wool sneakers, for example, are recognisable from afar because of the material. It is important to us that the shoes also reflect the philosophy of our brand: Sustainability through real innovation and the highest standards of design and comfort without a guilty conscience about the environment.
What do you understand by sustainable management and what are your sustainability standards towards your business partners?
Sustainability is not just a marketing issue for us, it is embedded in our company’s identity. We are extremely sustainable, which is reflected not only in our choice of materials, but also in our efficient business processes.
For example, we have no overproduction, which is a big problem for the environment. We are carbon neutral and working to become climate positive, not just by planting trees for every shoe we sell. We are working on innovative materials and a true circular economy.
We are already taking back our customers’ products and putting them back into circulation. Soon, a true circular economy sneaker will be on the market.

What happens to the used shoes your customers can send back to you?
We work with a textile recycling company that has its own recycling plant for shoes. Together with this partner, we are developing a process to really recycle sneakers completely. But there is a lot involved, from the choice of materials, the construction of the shoe to the right recycling method.
Do you still follow the Cradle-to-Cradle approach?
Absolutely. We believe we are the most sustainable sneaker company in the world, and we are at the forefront of this. Other companies have more marketing budget, but we are working on the first tangible solutions that are on the market.

What are your plans for the future?
We drive real innovation and thus not only produce a truly clean, climate-positive product, but also represent a lifestyle movement. We stand for fun in life and good design, and in the only right way. Sustainable and future oriented.
Thank you, Carl!

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