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Model 31 by Florence Knoll Bassett

Model 31 by Florence Knoll Bassett

Product: Model 31

Designer: Florence Knoll Bassett

Manufacturer: Knoll Associates, Inc.

Release date: ca. 1958

Dimensions: h: 74 cm, sh: 44 cm, d: 60 cm, w: 61 cm

Materials: fabrics, upholstry, metal

Price: on request at antibeige

Florence Knoll Bassett was an American architect, interior and furniture designer, and entrepreneur who has been credited with revolutionizing office design and bringing modernist design to office interiors.

After graduating, Knoll moved to New York in 1941, taking jobs with several New York architects where she met Hans Knoll. The pairing led to success as Florence Knoll helped Hans Knoll turn what was a small furniture company into an international powerhouse.

Model 31 is a classic example of the pure and minimalistic design of Florence Knoll Bassett. She designed the chair in 1954, which was produced by Knoll until 1968.

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