Fashion Thursday
Introducing ‚Nove‘
Nove – sustainable fashion for the time before, during and after pregnancy.
»I used to make my own clothes, especially during my pregnancy.«
Dear Janina, can you briefly introduce yourself and NOVE to us?
I founded Nove to give back self-determination to women during their pregnancy. Nove stands for modern femininity, with or without children.
Every woman should be able to wear the clothes she loves without restrictions at any stage of her life. All Nove garments can be worn during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and just as well before and after, as the cuts adapt to the body.
What was your first fashion moment? When did you first come into contact with fashion?
I used to make my own clothes, especially during my pregnancy – I just wanted to have high quality and beautiful clothes that fitted me and not the other way around.
For me, clothing is something very functional, it must first and foremost correspond to my lifestyle, but of course it must also meet my aesthetic demands – ideally forever. Trends do not interest me.
What must an outfit do to make you feel at ease?
For me, an outfit has to be comfortable to wear in terms of body feeling, this includes the right fit and high-quality fabrics that feel good on the skin. And it must look good in every situation, whether in the studio, at the playground or in the evening, at a bar with my girlfriends.
You avoid the German term for maternity wear. Would you like to explain that to us in more detail?
The German term for maternity wear is ‘circumstance’. It has a very negative connotation in the German language: you’re in difficult circumstances, you don’t want to cause any aggrevation – and so on.
After all, pregnancy is not a circumstance, but an exciting time of change! Since Nove offers clothes not only for this time, but also beyond, the word doesn’t fit at all.
Apart from the longevity of fashion, are there other areas that are particularly important to you when it comes to sustainability issues when developing and producing a collection?
In development and production, I make sure that everything I outsource is done as local as possible. Production takes place within a radius of 300 km around Berlin, thus transport distances are not too long. I try to reduce waste as much as possible, every remaining material finds a purpose.
You started your own label as a young mother. How did you manage that and what was the biggest challenge?
I started Nove on my own, but I’m lucky to be surrounded by a great family and great friends who support me wherever I go. Starting a business is always tough, whether as a young mother, a teenager or an 80 year old – it’s always a step out of your comfort zone and into adventure.
The experience as a mum helps a lot, because life with small children is just as exciting as entrepreneurship! You have to be very flexible, be able to make decisions quickly and be pragmatic.
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